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Name: 'When I Took My Clothes Off, the Weight of the World Came off My Shoulders'
Authors: Kruk, Courtney
Published Date: 23 Nov. 2023
Indexed Date: 30 Nov. 2023
Web Link:
Index Status: Complete
Original Language: English
Genre: Non-Fiction
Citation: Kruk, Courtney. “'When I Took My Clothes Off, the Weight of the World Came off My Shoulders'” Brisbane Times, 23 Nov. 2023,


Nearly 150 individuals participated in a nude photoshoot under Brisbane's Story Bridge as part of the Tide series by photographer Spencer Tunick, with some describing it as a liberating experience. The event, intended to celebrate diversity and promote body positivity, attracted a diverse group of participants, including members of the LGBTQIA+ community.