Websites > AANR Western Region

Name: Marion and Rae Marie Stelts
Authors: Stelts, Marion
Published Date: 1 Sep. 2019
Indexed Date: 29 Jul. 2021
Web Link:
Index Status: Complete
Original Language: English
Genre: Non-Fiction
Citation: Stelts, Marion. “Marion and Rae Marie Stelts.” AANR Western Region, 1 Sep. 2019, pp. 1-3,


The passage outlines the author's history of involvement with nudist organizations, beginning in the early 1970s. It details their experiences with different clubs, their efforts in advocating for change within the American Sunbathing Association, and their role in establishing and growing a club in New Mexico. Additionally, it touches on their later years and the support they received from the nudist community, particularly during times of personal difficulty.