Books > As Sparks Fly Upward: The Rationale of the Farm and Wilderness Camps

Name: Chapter 2: "... There’s Swagger in My Step"
Authors: Webb, Kenneth
Indexed Date: 9 Dec. 2021
Index Status: Complete
Original Language: English
Genre: Non-Fiction
Citation: Webb, Kenneth. “Chapter 2: '... There’s Swagger in My Step'” As Sparks Fly Upward: The Rationale of the Farm and Wilderness Camps. 1973, pp. 9-21,


The passage describes the first hike taken from a camp to Stratton Pond in Vermont, the rainy summer of 1938, and the establishment of Timberlake Farm and Wilderness Camp. It also discusses the expansion of trails, specialized hikes for different age groups, and the development of other camps based on wilderness skills.


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American Nudist Research Library