Books > As Sparks Fly Upward: The Rationale of the Farm and Wilderness Camps

Name: Chapter 9: Claim Everything
Authors: Webb, Kenneth
Indexed Date: 9 Dec. 2021
Index Status: Complete
Original Language: English
Genre: Non-Fiction
Citation: Webb, Kenneth. “Chapter 9: Claim Everything.” As Sparks Fly Upward: The Rationale of the Farm and Wilderness Camps. 1973, pp. 87-95,


The article discusses the profound impact a camp director can have on the lives of campers, as discussed in a conversation between a former camper and his camp director. The conversation reveals the transformative effect of the director's words and actions on the camper, influencing his beliefs and choices throughout his life. It also highlights the director's reflection on modern youth's hunger for non-material reality and the evolving approach to spirituality.


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