Books > As Sparks Fly Upward: The Rationale of the Farm and Wilderness Camps

Name: Chapter 14: On Being Taken Down to Grow Up
Authors: Webb, Kenneth
Indexed Date: 9 Dec. 2021
Index Status: Complete
Original Language: English
Genre: Non-Fiction
Citation: Webb, Kenneth. “Chapter 14: On Being Taken Down to Grow Up.” As Sparks Fly Upward: The Rationale of the Farm and Wilderness Camps. 1973, pp. 141-148,


The article discusses the issues in the current education system and the delayed transition to adulthood among children. It also describes the transformative experience of a young boy named Jack at a summer camp, where he learns resilience, self-reliance, and a sense of responsibility, ultimately leading to personal growth and maturity.


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American Nudist Research Library