Periodicals > clothing-optional LIFE > No. 3: Fall 1988

Name: Biblical Commentary: John 21
Authors: Bowman, Paul M.
Brynes, Fr. Jim
Caple, Rev. Dr. William
Cunningham, Maggie
Devore, Steve
Haroldsson, Donald
Hitt, Rev. Jeffrey
Indexed Date: 30 Jan. 2022
Index Status: Complete
Original Language: English
Genre: Non-Fiction
Citation: Bowman, Paul, et al. “Biblical Commentary: John 21.” clothing-optional LIFE, No. 3: Fall 1988, Sep. 1988, pp. 50-53,


Readers in coL #2's "Letters" section asked for an interpretation of a passage from the Gospel of John where Peter hastily puts on clothes upon recognizing Jesus near the shore. Different interpretations of this event include the idea that Peter's clothing was practical for fishing and swimming, a sign of respect for meeting Jesus, and a demonstration of Peter's love and devotion to Jesus. The interpretations also consider the cultural context and social norms of the time.


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American Nudist Research Library
Naturist Education Foundation Research Library