Books > Love and Responsibility

Name: Chapter 3: The Person and Chastity - The Metaphysics of Shame
Authors: Paul II, Pope John
Indexed Date: 19 Feb. 2023
Index Status: Complete
Original Language: English
Genre: Non-Fiction
Citation: Paul, John. “Chapter 3: The Person and Chastity - The Metaphysics of Shame.” Love and Responsibility. 1960, pp. 174-193


The article examines the phenomenon of sexual shame in relation to individuals and love, asserting that shame naturally arises from the need to conceal sexual values and protect the value of the person. It explores the connection between shame and love, emphasizing the concept of absorption of shame by love and its significance in the context of intimacy and marriage. The article also delves into the theme of shamelessness, addressing physical and emotional shamelessness, and discusses the role of dress, nudity, and pornography in art regarding modesty and immodesty.